CoachingOurselves peer-coaching is a scalable approach to developing leadership capacity and increasing organizational performance. It is easy to setup, demonstrates immediate business impact, and is a key catalyst to successful leadership and organizational development.
The CoachingOurselves Session
The foundation of CoachingOurselves are the 90-minute peer-coaching sessions for groups of 4-6 participants. Participants go through a process of reflection and dialog on their managerial and leadership practices around specific leadership/management themes.
A CoachingOurselves module provides the theme for each session. This is a workbook with the content, questions, and structure to ensure productive and effective reflection and dialog with specific outcomes. There are over 80 modules covering a broad range of leadership themes and soft skills such as Accountability: It’s a tricky world or Silos and Slabs in Organizations.
Sessions are in person or online, and are guided by a facilitator.
The impact of peer-coaching is profound and powerful. Participants immediately connect their day to day managerial experiences with conceptual models, which results in them making decisions to take action for change. These insights are the most meaningful learnings for leaders and managers and the impact on the participants and for the organization is immediate.
CoachingOurselves for leadership and organizational development
A series of 90-minute peer-coaching sessions becomes a powerful leadership development program. The modules are selected to align participants’ reflection and dialog with the program goals and guide them along a learning journey.
Our Modules
We have over 80 modules exclusively designed for CoachingOurselves by leading management and business thinkers, such as Henry Mintzberg, Edgar Schein, Marshall Goldsmith, Philip Kotler, and Nancy Adler.
The modules guide reflection and dialog on a broad range of leadership themes. Our catalog includes classic themes for first line and middle management , such as Candid Conversations and FeedFORWARD instead of FeedBACK, to more nuanced themes for senior leadership, such as Strategic Blindspots and Leading with Humility.

Cirque Du Soleil
Bernard Petiot, VP Casting & Performance"I participated with great interest in the CoachingOurselves peer-coaching session with my management team. We chose “Foresight” as our module. The approach included some reading and questions carefully constructed for managers. No prior preparation is needed, and the only tool required is the CoachingOurselves peer-coaching module document written by internationally renowned thinkers. Working in groups of four to five, this method was thought-provoking and led to fruitful and lively discussion. It enabled us to share our experience and savoir-faire, which in my opinion is one of the strengths of this approach—drawing from each person’s knowledge and sharing it against a backdrop of credible information from reputable authors. We are preparing for another peer-coaching session, targeting a theme in line with management expectations in Cirque’s current context. I foresee organizing such opportunities for development on a regular basis."

Chieko Kamiyama, Global Marketing and Sales Planning Department"It has been the best training program I've experienced over the 30 years since I joined the company."

NuWay Software
Peter Neely, President“Through the CoachingOurselves peer-coaching program, our team was able to work through a core cultural issue that was stalling our growth. The exercises forced our team members to dig down to the root cause quickly and effectively. CoachingOurselves is a must for any company working through change."

Brother Canada
Diane Boulet, Former Director of Corporate Development"CoachingOurselves ROI: Strong working relationships; managers becoming better people managers; better decision-makers; improved processes and efficiencies, and increased organizational well being."

Marlin Watling, HR Business Partner"CoachingOurselves is the right solution at the right time. When we introduced their peer-coaching program to the managers, they said, ‘This is the best approach we have seen in a long time. It is close to what we do. We can use it right away. No fluff.’ It is very easy and flexible and puts the people topic on the agenda."

Fujitsu Business Consulting, Japan
Mr. Kentaro Iijima, Senior Corporate Vice President"The (CoachingOurselves) sessions have become a precious 'BA' where 'lonely' managers can reflect on their management style and talk with their colleagues frankly."