The DISC Sales Assessment
(25 pages report, available in French and in English)
Helps salespeople connect better with their customers by understanding their DISC sales style, understanding their customers’ buying styles, and adapting their sales style to meet their customers’ buying styles.
- DISC Model Overview
- Summary of your DISC style
- Your DISC map
- Your DISC priorities and how they shape your sales experience
- Your sales strengths
- Your sales challenges
- Recognizing the DISC buying styles
- Understanding what drives different customers
- Adapting to different customers
- Customer interaction mapping
- Action planning
The Sales Customer Interaction Map: Follow-up reports that help salespeople adapt their selling style to meet the needs of a customer. These one-page reports are the perfect personalized cheat sheets to prepare for sales calls.
The Comparison Reports: Exciting follow-up reports that can be created for any two participants. Shows their similarities and differences on six behavioral continua. Great for on-boarding, new work groups, conflict management, and more!
The Group Culture Report: Helps you determine the group’s DISC culture, explore its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its effect on group members, and examine its influence on decision making and risk taking.