Team Trivia is a dynamic and interactive virtual Team Building concept that will lead your team into a friendly competition with a variety of quizzes, puzzles and problems of all kinds to solve as a team.
A fun, unifying activity that provokes laughter, triggers conversations, solidifies ties and creates memories, in addition to activating neurons.
Here are some of the virtual quiz themes we have to propose:-Personalities and Celebrities Quiz
-Around the World Quiz (Culture and Geography)
-Think Fast Quiz
-Gastronomy and Mixology Quiz
-Play on Words Quiz
-Riddles and Puzzles Quiz
-Win, Lose or Draw
-The World of Business Quiz
-Movie Quiz
-TV Quiz
-Musical Quiz
-Hollywood Quiz
-Sports Quiz
-General Knowledge Quiz
-Science and Human Body Quiz
-A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
-Subject Review Quiz (following a training or video screening)
-Mix and Match Quiz
You have a theme? Don't hesitate to share it with us. It is possible for us to customize a Team Trivia according to your theme and your objective.
Team Trivia is a great team activity to integrate into your virtual team meetings.
The Team Building Agency offers workshops based on your needs and that are tailored for your team! Do not hesitate to share with us what you would like to accomplish as a team.