Welcome to the dangerous and challenging world of bomb defusing.
Each of the members of the team will have to become the expert in a specific department, to be able to advise the expert in charge of defusing the bomb, what action to take next, in order to defuse the most treacherous bombs.
The slightest mistake can blow everything up! Teamwork will be absolutely necessary to accomplish this important mission.
The activity can be combined with the Accountability Workshop.
The advantages of the Defuse the Bomb Team Building Activity for your team
- Find creative solutions
- Optimize effective leadership
- Creates a sense of belonging
- Mobilize and tighten team spirit
- Get to know each other
- Improve communication within the team
- Encourage collaboration in the team
- Increase trust among the team members
- Encourage team strategy
- Increase accountability
- Team productivity and efficiency
- Sharing of a common vision and eliminate silos
- Stimulate creativity
- Demonstrate the importance of the contribution of each team member
- And lots of fun!
The Team Building Agency offers activities based on your needs and that are tailored for your team! Do not hesitate to share with us what you would like to accomplish as a team.