This group commonalities questionnaire serves as a “get to know you” or group celebration activity that involves friendly competition between teams.
It consists of completing a team questionnaire to obtain as many points as possible. The questionnaire is designed to highlight the group’s commonalities.
This activity helps participants learn more about each other, engages them in healthy competition, and allows them to share their experiences and propose a cumulative score based on the what they have in common.
The combination of sharing, competition and collaboration engages and entertains teams, while making meaningful connections with their peers. This activity initiates discussions and helps people bond around what they have in common.
It is also a perfect activity to start discussions and reflection on the topic of your choice. We tailor the questions to the participants and the goals of your group.
The Team Building Agency offers workshops based on your needs and that are tailored for your team! Do not hesitate to share with us what you would like to accomplish as a team.