The Team Alignment Workshop, is a workshop that allows a new team, or a team that has been working together for a while, to align or realign around a common purpose and clarify how they will work and collaborate together, and understand what they need to be successful.
This very interactive workshop allows the team to surface what matters to its members and outline what the team needs right now. It allows them to create the team culture they want to create together, while building trust within the team and solidifying the commitment of its members. This allows for better team cohesion and performance.
Many activities, reflections and discussions will take place during the workshop.
The team alignment workshop can be personalized to the team’s context and objectives:
- To provide structure for effective collaboration
- To create a new team
- To add clarity and value for the team
- To grow and onboard new team members
- To create team agreements and norms
- To create alignment after a period of change
- To assess how they work together
- To create the ideal conditions for a short-term project the team is working on
- To be more efficient at utilizing the collective intelligence within the team
- To encourage healthy and productive conflict within the team and be more effective at giving feedback and critique
- To address concerns and fears the team members have
- To establish safety around communications
- To increase psychological safety, trust, engagement and commitment
- To clarify where each of the team members fit in
- To address team dynamics
- To create the desired team culture
Which team is this workshop (or these workshops) for?
- A small team that works closely together.
- A team for which there are no organizational changes planned in the short term.
The Team Building Agency offers activities based on your needs and that are tailored for your team! Do not hesitate to share with us what you would like to accomplish as a team.